
Scallions, or green onions, or spring onions are a staple item in our kitchen. They really give a little zing to so many dishes, such as egg salad, fried rice, and a number of other dishes. I find they need a little air when stored in the refrigerator, so I either leave them out of a plastic bag, or not very well wrapped.


Asian Rice Salad
Baked Pasta with Blue Cheese and Tomatoes
Blackeyed Pea Soup with Greens
Broccoli Salad
Brown Rice and Barley Salad
Cheese Log Par Excellence
Cheese Toasts
Cream Cheese and "Bacon" Sandwiches
Creamy Italian Dressing
It's Not Chicken Salad
Mediterranean Salad
Pasta salad with fresh peas
Potatoes Roasted with Sauteed Onions and Lots More!
Ranch Dressing
Russian Potato Salad
Shepherd's Pie, Vegetarian Version
Supper Sandwiches, French-toasted or not
Toasted Noodles in an Asian Fashion